Tag Archives: documentary

Day Worker Video Documentary

9 Mar

We have begun editing a documentary about the lives of the day workers.  The purpose of the video is to generate a deeper understanding within the Midpeninsula community-at-large about who the day workers are.  It will share some representative stories about the difficult decisions people made to leave home and  come to the U.S. and the challenges of their daily lives, once they are here.  While, the documentary will not provide any  specific recommendations on immigration reform, it will present the voices of the people being debated in statehouses across the country and Congress.   This week, the video team from the Day Worker Center of Mountain View will conduct the final two interviews.  In about a month, a 20 – 25 minute video should be complete and workers will begin to make community presentations with it, followed by question and answer sessions.  If you know of an organization that would be interested in having a presentation, please let us know in a comment here or a call to Maria at the Day Worker Center of Mountain View. The project was made possible with support from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. The Midpeninsula Community Media Center has provided the video training and editing support for the production.